Megtron is a popular material used in PCB fabrication that’s produced by Matrix Circuit Board Materials, which was established in 1977. Matrix has four divisions — laminates, chemicals, carbide tools, and imaging products — and its technical support teams have extensive experience with every part of the PCB manufacturing process. The company’s motto is “quality products, dependable people.”\
MEGTRON 6 Material
Cirexx commonly uses MEGTRON 6, which has a low dielectric constant and has better stability than PTFE (Teflon). MEGTRON 6 also features low dielectric dissipation factors, low transmission loss, and high heat resistance. The popular material is designed for use in high-speed equipment, mainframes, IC testers, and high-frequency measuring instruments.
Additionally, MEGTRON 6 also has exceptional through-hole reliability and is compatible with lead-free, ROHS soldering.