
Megtron is a popular material used in PCB fabrication that’s produced by Matrix Circuit Board Materials, which was established in 1977. Matrix has four divisions — laminates, chemicals, carbide tools, and imaging products — and its technical support teams have extensive experience with every part of the PCB manufacturing process. The company’s motto is “quality products, dependable people.”\

MEGTRON 6 Material

Cirexx commonly uses MEGTRON 6, which has a low dielectric constant and has better stability than PTFE (Teflon). MEGTRON 6 also features low dielectric dissipation factors, low transmission loss, and high heat resistance. The popular material is designed for use in high-speed equipment, mainframes, IC testers, and high-frequency measuring instruments.

Additionally, MEGTRON 6 also has exceptional through-hole reliability and is compatible with lead-free, ROHS soldering.

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10 Questions You Should Ask Before Choosing Your Next PCB Provider

There’s a lot to consider when researching potential PCB providers, including expertise, certifications, industry experience, and more. As you begin your research, consider these 10 important questions that will help you find the best solution for your next project.

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