PCB Layout*

Cirexx has PCB Layout Experts available to lend a hand to your PCB prototyping.

Cirexx offers an incredibly diverse range of PCB layout services: PCB Layout, Schematic Capture, Netlist Translation, Interactive Routing, Auto Routing/All Hand Routing, Plotting Services, Pick and Place Files, and ITC Test Reports. Including 1:1 Checkplots, Gerber Files, Aperture Lists, IPC-356 Netlist, NC Drill Files, Fabrication Drawings, Assembly Drawings, PCB Layout Files, Excel Pick and Place and AutoCAD and EMN/EMP Modeling Files. Platforms include Mentor PADS PCB®, OrCAD Capture®, AutoCAD®, Polar Impedance® modeling and measurement, Power Logic® and Windows®.

Let our PCB layout team initiate the process of seamless integration as your project advances from layout all the way through fabrication and assembly here, all under one roof.

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Mentor® PADS PCB
Polar Impedance®
Power Logic®
Digital Flex Circuits
Analog Rigid-Flex Circuits
Mixed Signal Technology High Speed: Up to 20+ GHZ
BGA / Micro BGA RF Layout
Control Impedance ICT
Matched Length Pairs DDR Military
Surface Mount / Thru-Hole / Chip (Die) on Board Blind Vias
Rigid Circuits Buried Vias
Hybrid Circuits HDI
Services Verification Documentation
PWB Layout Air Gap 1:1 Checkpoints
Schematic Capture Annular Ring Gerber Files
Interactive Routing Hanging Traces Aperture Lists
Auto Routing Mechanical Fit IPC 356 Netlist
Routing Netlist NC Drill Files
Plotting Services Shorts / Opens Fabrication Drawings
On-Budget Delivery Power Tie Assembly Drawings
Pick and Place Files Encroachment PCB Layout Files
ITC Test Reports Silkscreen Excel Pick and Place
Overlap AutoCAD DXF
.EMN / .EMP Modeling File